Establishing Prayers

1 Are we allowed to pray in school?


Under the law you have freedom of speech. Any religious activities

conducted by the students are allowed as long as they don’t interfere

with the school’s schedule. So having prayers after school or before

school is perfectly acceptable.

2 How can we start Jumaah

For High Schools

Go around the school and try to find a classroom that is:

1.  carpeted (preferable) 

2. reasonably big

3. has a good location - (make sure its not near the band room or P.E. area because then you'll be exposed to a lot of unwanted noise)

4. if you're sponsor's classroom meets the requirements that's the best

Talk to the teacher whose classroom it is. find out if their room is

      available on Fridays. By available we mean:

1. if they stay after school on Fridays or will let you use their room as long as there is another teacher available (i.e. sponsor, administrator)

 2. if usually many students stay after school on fridays

(if they have students staying then they you might not want to have prayer there cause then it'll be disruptive)



1. have brothers in school give khutbahs.

2. arrange for Khateebs from outside school (see Khateebs)


get some donations together and either buy some rugs or sheets.


go to the office and ask them how you can make announcements. Its good to put reminders in the announcements to come to the prayer. 


For College

Every organization is allowed to book rooms on campus free of charge. Go to the Events management or Student Activities office and ask them about the list of rooms that the organization can reserve. Then make your decision on the basis of the following:

1. Is it big enough for all the students

2. No distractions are around

3. Its clean

Khateebs (see above)

Sheets (see above)



1. put up fliers on bulletin boards

2. create an email list and advertise through that

3 How does one pray (salat)?

The Prophets method of Prayer (salaat)

4 does a Jumaah have to be after dhuhr time?

 Yes, the strongest opinion of the Scholars of Islam is that Jumaah can be held before Dhuhr time.

Evidence: "The messenger of Allah SAAW would pray the Friday prayer and then we would go to our camels and rest while the sun was passing its zenith (noon-Dhuhr)." Recorded by Muslim, al-Nasai, al-Baihaqi, Ahmad and ibn abu Shaiba.

 From the above Hadith we know that the Khutbah and then prayer must have been held before the Dhuhr time.

It is also recorded that Abdullah ibn Saidan al-Salami stated that he performed the Jumaah prayer with Abu Bakr and later Umar and later Uthmaan (as Khalifas) and their khutbahs would start before midday (Dhuhr), and none of the people (Sahabah-Companions) objected. Recorded by: ibn Abu Shaibah and al-Daraqutni. 

 Therefore one can hold Jumaah prayers such that the prayer starts before Dhuhr time. 

However Jumaah Salaat (the actual two rakaat) must begin before Asr' time, which marks the end of the Jumaah prayer time.

5 Where do we get Khateebs for Friday prayers from?

Refer to Khateebs section

Ask the brothers in the school

Talk to the Imam in your local mosque or Islamic center

